Oh Christ, she’s blogging.

Sophie Alexandra
2 min readNov 10, 2020

A blog feels like the sort of thing you do when you have thousands of Instagram followers who actually take what you say seriously rather than when you’re having a quarter life crisis, but here we are.

That’s me (on a good day). I’m Sophie, I’m 23, I live in Newcastle but I’m originally from in between Manchester and Liverpool. I have a job, I rent a flat with my boyfriend, I did a philosophy degree at Newcastle Uni, I’ve got a great gang of friends and a pretty big family; so there’s the standard life stuff. I’m a vegetarian and I avoid dairy but I’m not very good at either. I don’t want kids, I do want to get married but I also predict I’m going to be divorced at least twice. I was raised as a Catholic; I don’t believe anymore but I’ve not quite shaken Catholic guilt. I believe in good and bad energy (yes, I do say vibes) and that 11:11 is lucky. People love to tell me I’m a walking cliché and they’re probably right. I think that’s a few basics covered?

“Why are we here?” I hear no one ask. Well I was going to do a podcast in the first lockdown, but the equipment was expensive, and I think my voice is a bit too shrill so I’ll spare your ears. I don’t envisage building this blog and it taking off, but I have always written everything down, and I do an awful lot of thinking. My notes app on my phone is filled with everything from cocktail recipes I think might work (then don’t) to essays of what I want to say, what I mean to say, but never do. It’s a great way to unwind a web of scattered thoughts and make sense of how mental it is to be alive right now, and all the time, actually.

I’m not going to be airing all my dirty laundry, but I feel like we all walk around feeling a bit of a mess sometimes, so if someone else can read my mess, think “I get that” and feels better understood or just a little bit less alone, I’ll be pretty chuffed.

Alternatively this will just be a massive vanity project, we’ll see where it goes.

Thank you for reading! Hopefully in time my writing will improve, but I’m excited to be giving this a go. My first real blog post will be all about the C word…

Sophie xo



Sophie Alexandra

Just figuring it out I write about relationships and well-being🌟 Take care of yourself, properly